Important Things To Carry In Your Golf Bag

April 15, 2024

Whether you have started playing golf or have been in this regimen for years, here’s a useful read as to what necessary things to keep in your golf bag. This will help you prepare [prior to the game with all the items without hampering the flow.


This may seem like an obvious one but running out of balls is quite normal and can happen to anyone. If you want to prepare fully for your game or practice course, make sure you keep some balls handy.


Chilly mornings and evenings can come as a surprise to anyone so make sure you carry an extra layer with you at all times. Better yet – make it waterproof so you are equipped to handle all sorts of weather.


From providing protection in case of injuries to abrasion protection, band aids can help you in uncalled situations. You will realize its importance one day when you need it the most, and you don’t have it on you. Keep a box of band aids for any unwelcoming injury.

Adhesive Tape

If band aids lose their stickiness over time, adhesive tape can be a good alternative to prevent cuts and injuries.

Instant Ice Pack

A relieving balm can provide immediate relief when you accidently slam your putter into your ankle. It can also provide relief on ankle and neck strains given the prolonged standing and aiming.


This is a mandatory thing to keep with you at all times. Sun protection is important at all costs. You must wear sunscreen before starting the game and don’t forget to refresh it!


Pack your own hand and face towel given the game timings and need to refresh your mood with a quick face wash.


Always keep extra tees with you in case you might need one.

Extra Socks and Gloves

Extra pair of socks can come really handy when your feet make a round in the morning dew or it feels really sweaty and you want to refresh them. An extra pair of gloves can also be useful in times of need.

Divot Repair Tool

Once you have gotten the hang of the game and necessary course adjustments – a divot repair tool can be a golfer’s best friend. Do the greens a favor and repair any divots with a proper tool that you carry in your bag.

Lotion and Lip Balm

If you want to achieve optimum level of comfort and luxury during the game – pack your hand cream, lip balm, moisturizer and other essentials that can help you during your game.

Range Finder

A range finding device can be used to measure distances to remote objects. If you are keen on numbers and progress, this device can aid your game.

Wire Brush

Keep your clubs clean and free of dirt and grass with a wire brush and groove cleaner that easily attaches with your bag.

Final Words

Longwood Golf Club provides an overarching experience for new and experienced golfers. Call us at (281) 213-2400 to sign up!

