7 Tips On How To Lower Your Golf Handicap Score?

August 15, 2024

As a golf player, progress can be slow. However, you can use these 7 proven strategies to improve your golf game in terms of your handicap score. A lower handicap score means a good game and otherwise. So, let’s get going!

1. Consistent Long Distance Drive

A well struck drive is an essential part of a good golf game. It will keep your score and handicap low. Work on distance control, aim, and reading greens. Practice drills like the ladder drill (varying distances) and one-handed putts to develop touch.

Improve your ability to get up and down by practicing a variety of lies and distances. Focus on controlling your trajectory and spin. Experiment with different clubs for different shots to understand how they react.

2. Study The Course before starting the Game

Study the course layout before playing. Understand where hazards are and plan your shots accordingly. Favor the safer side of the fairway or green to minimize the risk of penalties.

There are many types of clubs available at the golf club. Choose the right club for the situation, not just for distance. Consider wind, hazards, and your strengths. This will help you strategize your hits accordingly.

3. Be Consistent With Your Shots

It is a known and most effective strategy to develop a pre-shot routine that keeps you focused and calm. Stick to the same tempo and rhythm with every shot, whether it’s a drive or a chip.

You can practice drills that reinforce a consistent strike. By that, we mean driving aids such as alignment sticks for direction or impact tape to see where you’re hitting the ball on the clubface.

4. Make Use Of Your Golf Warm Up Sessions

Incorporate exercises that enhance flexibility, such as yoga or dynamic stretching. Strengthen your core and legs for a stable, powerful swing. Regular cardio helps maintain stamina throughout your round.

Always warm up before playing. Stretching, swinging clubs, and hitting balls help prevent injuries and prepare your body for the round.

5. Mentally Stay Present

Golf can be emotional at times. Do not lose focus if you find yourself getting behind in the middle of the ground. Stay positive even after a bad shot. Not one shot can determine your entire game. Do not let some bad shots define your entire game. Learn from your mistakes rather than getting sad and hopeless.

6. Set Your Practice Goals

You are entering a golf course. Make sure you have some things to check off the list in terms of your goals. Break down your segment into 30 minutes on driving, 30 minutes on short game and 30 minutes on putting. You can change the pattern depending on your weakness.

7. Use Technology

Using the right golf driven technology can help you track stats such as fairways hit, greens and putting. This can help you identify areas of improvement. Use technology to gauge distances, hazards, bunkers and pins.

Final Words

Proven strategies such as consistent drives, training aids, studying the course and much more can help you elevate your overall golf game.

Book your slot at Longwood Golf Club for a fun and fulfilling game. Call us at (281) 213-2400!

